Welcome to the official page of Hellenic Pole Sports & Aerial Federation

About us

Hellenic Pole and Aerial Acrobatics Sports Federation HPSAF is the national federation for Pole Sports and Aerial Acrobatics.


It was founded in 2018 and is a non profit organization constituted under the Greek Law . The federation is an endorsed  member of Posa Pole Sports and Arts World Federation.


The Federation holds the Pole sport and Art Championship and also the Aerial Sport Championships.


The mission of HPSAF is to regulate,administer and develop Pole Sports and Aerial Acrobatics for the benefit of athletes an every level and age in Greece.

Training & education

POSA Training Programs

Hellenic Pole and Aerial Acrobatics Sports Federation HPSAF as a member of POSA integrates all the principles of POSA Training & Education programs, including:

  • Judge Training
  • Instructor Training



Training Centers
